Saturday, September 3, 2011

Financial Responsibility

My husband and I have been financially responsible over the past few years. We understand that the money we earn is not ours. As Christians, we believe that God blessed us with financial privileges in the form of our multiple streams of income. But above all, we believe a portion of what we earn goes back in glory to Him. We always tithe to the church. In other words, we follow a biblically fundamental financial discipline in which at least 10% of income earned every month goes directly to the church…sometimes more but definitely no less. We pay the church first before our savings, before our bills, and before ourselves.

You know what is truly amazing about this practice? When we put God’s church before any other financial obligation, we never find ourselves in financial trouble. HE always helps us make ends meet. HE always provides what we need and in most cases, HE gives us more than we ask for. I’m not preaching the prosperity gospel nor do I guarantee God will bless you if you decide to give money to His church. I’m just saying that we give what is expected of us and walk by faith. Even when our eyes can’t see what is to come, our hearts trust that He will always come through whenever we need.

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