Monday, June 21, 2010

My "I" Story

I have owned and operated a Mary Kay business since November 2008. I was hesitant to get involved because my mother practically raised me to run away from all of those cake-faced, big-haired, blue eye shadow-wearing, Pepto Bismol-pink Cadillac-driving crazy ladies. Lo and behold...I aspire to be as hugely successful as those women are.

My message to you all -- don't knock til you try it! I firmly believed I was the last person on earth to have started a Mary Kay business. I have a professional background in marketing and PR in technology, sports and entertainment. Makeup was the last thing I ever wanted to base a career on. But guess what, folks?! Mary Kay isn't all about slinging lipstick on your back and knocking on doors from dusk til dawn to make a living! This highly lucrative and lifestyle changing career is about so much more!

I have come from a very fortunate and thriving professional background and I'm skeptical when it comes to those multi-level marketing/pyramid scheme opportunities. I always believed working for someone else and fulfilling their company's goals and missions was going to make me successful and wealthy. Praise God...I learned early on that I was so wrong!

I graduated from the University of North Texas Cum Laude with a degree in Journalism. I knew early on what I was meant to do in the corporate world. Straight out of college, I worked in a glamorous PR position then was personally hired by a self-made billionaire entrepreneur to implement marketing strategies for his start-up businesses. Looking back, I've had it pretty darn good -- in fact -- many can say I had the "dream jobs."

I've worked a total of 5+ years in those 2 professional capacities. Although it appeared I had it all, my heart truly wasn't fulfilled. In the last "dream job," I admit, I was under utilized yet over allocated. I was spread out way too thin yet my talents and my potential were never truly being challenged. Everyone's perception of my day-to-day reality was so skewed. No one will ever understand how miserable I became knowing how much more I could have been doing if only I had come across an opportunity that wasn't just a dream job -- more like an opportunity that pushed me to achieve a dream life. Then I learned about the Mary Kay marketing opportunity. I heard about the business model and I learned about how quickly I can become my own boss and determine my own financial destiny.

Allow me to dispel a few misconceptions. Mary Kay is NOT a multi-level marketing business nor is it a pyramid scheme. In Mary Kay, my commission checks are made payable to me from Mary Kay Corporate and I don't take money away from my working team members. I have already surpassed my recruiter, which is something you can't do in a multi-level marketing structure. Mary Kay isn't a pyramid scheme -- those are illegal and may wind you up in jail! Mary Kay isn't just for uneducated stay-at-home moms who have too much time on their hands. Mary Kay isn't meant for natural-born salespeople. Mary Kay isn't just about home parties and playing with makeup and all things dainty and pink. Please hear my heart -- Mary Kay is about so much more.

Thanks to Mary Kay, I was able to retire myself out of the corporate world to operate my own business. It's nice to know the harder I work, the more I get paid. I decided that the Mary Kay opportunity was perfect for me. I learned that in order to become massively successful in the way I wanted to be a success, I had to work for myself!

I was tired of putting my blood, sweat and tears into something that took me away from thoughts of starting a family, serving the church and living life to the fullest. I used to work 'round the clock nearly 7 days a week stressed out with nervous anxiety each time an email came through. I learned that I could have all of these high profile accomplishments if I give myself to a profession that expected nothing less than work, work, work. I learned that in order to be successful in the company I was at, I had to put aside any hopes of becoming a mother so I can concentrate on me, me, me. I learned that job defined me and never forced me take a hard look at who I wanted to be and who God intended me to be.

So again, I praise God for the introduction of the Mary Kay business opportunity into my life. For those like me who have choosen to become actively involved in operating our own businesses under the Mary Kay corporate structure, we must adhere to the following:

Serve God first.
Serve family second.
Serve career third.

This is how life should be. It's right, it's not self-serving, it's about being a part of something that's bigger than you. Mary Kay gave me the opportunity to make God my business partner. Mary Kay has taught me lifelong lessons that no other cubicle-structured, politically organized corporate environment could provide. I have been pushed in this business not only professionally but also spiritually and personally. Taking God as my business partner has provided wealth in wisdom...which is what I've needed my entire life. I love the Christ-centered woman I have become. I love that I can share my faith to others in this business. I love that I have earned money to afford my family and friends luxuries I never could have afforded working in that J-O-B. I love how much this business has changed my life for the better.

I praise God for an open mind and an open heart to learn about this business. If I never got into Mary Kay, I wouldn't know how to be the wife my husband deserves. I've learned a new appreciation for family life and can now be at home to fulfill my wifely duties. I enjoy the simple things of home now. There's an extreme sense of satisfaction and reward knowing that my husband has less menial things to worry about and he'll always have freshly ironed shirts to wear to work. I love that I have more time to play with my three lovable pups. Most of all, I love that I can now make my life's goal to be an amazing wife and one day a loving mother. Who knew that I would ever want kids?! It's interesting to admit that Mary Kay is what brought me here. Mary Kay is what taught me life isn't just about me. I love this new woman I have become and appreciating the much finer, more simple beautiful things in this life.

Praise God for Mary Kay. I love my job!

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