Sunday, April 22, 2012

There's no business like MOM business

I’m officially 100% all in as a stay-at-home wife and mom. I made the bold attempt to maintain my marketing contract jobs alongside my Mary Kay home business while raising my son. I’m grateful for the income earning opportunities, and it’s a luxury to be able to do what I love as a profession. But no matter how hard I try to juggle it all, none have been remarkably successful. Not one has yielded a return worth the time I sacrifice away from my husband and son who deserve my undivided attention. I have come to realize that trying to be the mom who “does it all” is not the way I want to live this life because my work is most efficient when put into a role like no other – motherhood.

I’ve had a huge wake up call over the past few months thanks to life lessons, my faith and the spiritual wisdom I’ve gained. I graciously accept that while it’s my responsibility it’s also a privilege to stay home and raise our family. My calling is to work towards being a loving wife, an organized house manager, and a nurturing stay-at-home mom above all other things.

For the mothers who have the strength and perseverance to juggle work outside of the home while maintaining her family and home, I highly respect each one of them. I have attempted juggling work life and family priorities, and I was not as successful as others are. It’s not my forte, and I respect the mothers who have found that balance.

I just think I’ve been in denial for most of my son’s life. I really thought that doing the job I love while raising children would yield satisfaction and balance for me. I learned through trial and error that was absolutely not the case.

When great opportunities have come my way, I was once so eager to pursue them. I would think to myself, “Why would I ever pass up a fun work project that paid good money?” I thought it would be crazy to walk away from that. So, I hired part-time help to assist me in managing work projects and my self-owned business so that I could care for my son. It took less than three months for me to see failure from that poorly constructed strategy.

I cannot do it all nor am I expected to. The only priorities that I truly care to do well are being here at home for my husband and for my son. It puts me at ease knowing I’m the one changing every poopy diaper. There is great satisfaction when I’m the one maintaining the house the way I expect it to run. To me, there is no job that could ever be as important or life changing as raising my child. In my opinion, there is no other investment more promising than being a mother who is (and can be) 100% vested in her family’s future. There is no greater sense of peace when realizing I’m blessed to be at this point in life and I’m blessed with all that I have.

I pray I don’t give in to my own selfish ambitions. I pray that my family never has to take a backseat just because a job demands my greatest commodity…my time. I pray that God gives me His work until my life shall end and life until my most important work is done.

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