Saturday, October 27, 2012

Postpartum Update

Since my August 24th post regarding my postpartum plan to achieving my pre-pregnancy pounds, I’m sad to say that I don’t have much to report. I was doing great the first few weeks. I was able to get to the gym nearly every day for about 3 weeks. Then it became less and less. Now trips to the gym are non-existent and my husband and I are still “donating” to the fitness chain. I had the honest intention of making my work outs work for me in terms of scheduling. I figured that since I want to lose weight so very badly, I would find a way and make a way. But as most parents can relate, the inevitable happened with the little ones getting sick here and there, my abnormal sleep/night feeding routine got the best of me, and every plausible excuse became my justification as to why I’m still sporting the extra poundage in my gut…and butt…and thighs…and arms…etc. But life goes on, and there are more important things to fret over.

On the brighter side, I have lost 6 lbs in the past 30 days doing it the natural way…breastfeeding! While I don’t make the time to exercise, I have been enjoying every morsel of any decadent dessert while giving in to most food cravings at all hours of the day/night. I’m not close to my pre-pregnancy weight. But if I carry on with breastfeeding as my primary workout regimen, I’m pretty sure I will achieve my goal weight by Christmas time. Now if I make the slightest effort to do cardio and/or weight training, I could possibly achieve my desired results in record time. Things are looking up!

On that note, I just want to share how grateful I am to be blessed by the kind words of strangers. It never fails that when I’m out of the house and most oblivious to those around me, young women come up to me and compliment my appearance. Each time I have gone out in the past three weeks, a different woman has complimented my outfit, my accessories, and or my skin. What the heck? I promise, I don’t ever recall having this kind of neighborly treatment. But each friendly and unexpected remark makes me feel so good, especially during these postpartum months. As a busy mom doing whatever it takes to just survive the day, it is such a kind gesture and flatters me to no end.

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