Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A simple decision can change your whole life

My husband and I attended a marriage conference at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Denton, TX this past weekend with special guest Dr. Scott Hahn. It was an incredible experience for the both of us. It's important to note that Dr. Hahn is not only one of the nation's top theologians, but he was of a Protestant faith and later converted to Catholicism after having learned about the Bible, Christianity and further delving into his own personal walk with God.

A simple lesson Dr. Hahn addressed was making rightful decisions in life. Although it seems straightforward, we're all given the choice to follow Christ in every aspect of our lives. Once you make that choice and live by it, all of your priorities change as a direct result. Once you choose the route towards following Christ, you'll notice your language changes, your friends and social activities will change and your personal goals and purpose will inevitably change. I must say, Dr. Hahn is so right.

I've made it a point to leave behind the mistakes of the past and turn towards goodness, service, love and loyalty. As soon as I made this decision, I've noticed a new circle of friends I strive to become the sum of. But most importantly, my purpose in this life has taken a turn for the better...and for the good of a greater purpose.

I'd like to take a moment and reflect on the person I'm leaving behind. Looking back on old photos, I now realize altering my mind with liquid confidence as I seductively shake it on the dance floor now seems like a waste of my precious time and brain cells. Let's not forget, I just looked like a fool out there. I was known to be the first out on the dance floor, with my Mavs-Dancer wannabe moves after a shot or two of hard liquor. The liquid confidence made me think everyone thought I was hot. But I was NOT! Ick! Look at me! I was a disgusting mess. I was only fooling myself.

Indulging in the sin of binge drinking and the sexiness of the nightlife brought out the ugly in my heart. Choosing the indulgent lifestyle of partying (without a purpose) drove me closer and closer to death. Clearly, I don't mean death in the physical form. I was dead on the inside and avoided what was right and good in this world. I was seduced by the nighttime because the dark kept me from really seeing how I actually looked through beer-stained goggles. I hung out with a crowd whose purpose in life was to have fun, have a drink and pretend life is about pleasure and indulgence. (I'm mainly speaking to those of you who are at least 30 or above. Time to wisen up, people!) That slightly older group got me nowhere good. That group is what I became the sum of, which was a big fat nothing. Shouldn't I be looking up to them? That group stupidly lacks wisdom in what's right and does not care for the greater good. Sadly, they were who I chose to surround myself with...and now I'm still paying for the lifestyle choice I made.

But thankfully, I am working to live above the indulgence and have chosen to do what it takes to be more in the image of Christ. What I hope and dream in these days far outweighs the smallness that I once stood as. I've opened my my mind to wisdom and now lead my heart to follow a choice that not many would choose. And I'm proud of that. My prayer is to never fall for the "hook of adrenaline" or for temporary relief and pleasure.

Taking this route has not been easy, but that makes it all the more rewarding. It's especially difficult because I no longer see people who I once adored. But that's been a HUGE blessing in disguise. I look at them now with pity and lift up prayers for their lack of wisdom in the poor choices they continue to make. Sinful indulgence can take you away from what we're all created to do. As in Ephesians 2:10, we have been created by God to do good works which have already been predetermined for each of us. But it's up to us to make the simple decision that can potentially change our entire lives. As I've mentioned before, I can't say that I'm a saint. But I'm choosing to live while trying to be. God doesn't expect perfection from us. HE just wants our hearts to willingly follow Him. When you choose to make that choice, no matter how unnatural or unattractive it may seem in the worldly sense, the great reward is indescribable.

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